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Pumice Plus Growing Media & Soil Conditioner
An engineered structural growing media and soil conditioner
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Concentrated Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi inoculant featuring 4 different species for optimal colonization.
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Suståne Bolster MycoBio®
A blend of endo mycorrhizae and beneficial bacteria, with humic acid and compost.
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- - OMRI Certificate

Bolster Liquid Biostimulant
Biostimulant and Plant Growth Supplement. Includes seaweed extract and humic acid.

Bolster Granular 4-4-4 + 3Fe
Synergistic blend of Suståne Organic Compost, Mycorrhizae Innoculum and Biostimulants.
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Suståne 4-6-4 Feeder Packs
Single dose applications of 4-6-4 in a biodegradable paper filter packs.
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Suståne 5-2-4+Fe
5-2-4+FE Supplies Humic Acid and all 17 Essential Plant Nutrients.
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Suståne 8-2-4 Natural Organic Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer for lasting plant nutrition
High organic nitrogen for long lasting nutrition.
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- - OMRI Certificate
- - WSDA Certificate

Suståne 16-4-8 Root Zone Feeder Pack
Provides single dose of Suståne and Controlled Release Fertilizer in a biodegradable paper filter pack.
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Suståne 18-1-8+Fe Professional Fairway and Landscape Fertilizer with Methylene Urea & PCSCU
Suståne's longest lasting slow release for landscaping
- - Spec Sheet
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Suståne Hi-N 12-0-1 WDF
A high analysis, water-dispersible nitrogen fertilizer formulated to promote rapid and durable greening and plant growth.
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