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Suståne Bolster MycoBio®
A blend of five beneficial bacteria species, four Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi inoculant strains, humic acid, and Suståne aerobic compost.
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- - OMRI Certificate

Concentrated Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi inoculant featuring 4 different species for optimal colonization.
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- - MSDS

Compost Tea Bags
Provides premium liquid nutrition and beneficial microbiology.
- - Spec Sheet
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- - OMRI Certificate

Organic Plant Starter, Rooting, and Flowering
Suståne® 4•6•4 is a granulated organic fertilizer that provides a high phosphorus and balanced N and K and Ca for bud formation during flowering.

Suståne 8-2-4 Natural Organic Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer for Lasting Plant Nutrition
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- - OMRI Certificate
- - WSDA Certificate

Suståne 16-4-8-180Day Natural Organic + Coated Controlled Release Fertilizer
Natural based fertilizer that delivers 180 days of Coated Control Release Nitrogen.
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- - MSDS

Suståne Hi-N 12-0-1 WDF
Water dispersible powder for liquid applications high in nitrogen. .
A high analysis, water-dispersible nitrogen fertilizer formulated to promote rapid and durable greening and plant growth.
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