Suståne® Compost Tea Bags

Why compost teas? 

There are multiple benefits to using compost teas. More than supplementary nutrients, composts teas deliver humic substances that can act as biostimulants and active microorganisms that can contribute to nutrient cycling and the ecology of a healthy soil. 

Using compost teas may reduce the need to apply pesticides. Many reports indicate that compost teas increase plant tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, reducing the need for other inputs. 

Make an enriched compost tea for superior results. Suståne’s CT Standard 4-6-4 provides all the essential components of effective compost teas and has been proven to support improved plant growth. Once brewed, it blends well with Suståne’s Hi-N 12-0-1 WDF to make an enriched compost tea with superior characteristics! 

Suståne 4-6-4 Compost Tea bags come in two sizes, single use 21-gram size for watering cans, or to be used as Root Zone Feeder Packs and reusable organic cotton bag 5 lb. compost tea bags, which each make 50-100 gallons.


4 6 4RootZoneCompostTeaBagsFeederPack195x230
  • Adds a well-balanced mix of plant essential nutrients, humates, and beneficial microorganisms 
  • Easy to use liquid organic fertilizer supplement: no fuss, no mess, no measuring
  • Beneficial microbes in the tea convert nutrients to plant available forms when added to soils and can help protect plants from pests and pathogens
  • Increases yields when applied to soils, particularly under hot and dry conditions 

Compost Tea is simple to prepare. Add one 21 gram tea bags per gallon (42 grams), or a 5 lb. Compost Tea Bag per 50-100 gallons (190-380 L) of water, aerate and steep for 24 to 48 hours at 60°- 85° F (10° - 25° C).

brewingcompostteaAeration during the brewing process increases the level of active microorganisms in the Compost Tea


Contains 50,000 Colony Forming Units (CFU’s) per gram of the following species:
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.........................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus subtilis..........................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus pumilus.........................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus licheniformis.................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus megaterium................................................. 10,000 CFU’s per gram


Total Nitrogen (N)
  0.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
  0.4% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
  3.2% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P(2O5) 6%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Calcium (Ca) 4%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, bone meal, and sulfate of potash.
*3.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal.